Thursday, February 14, 2013

Boring Straight Hair

I had my hair straightened for my Naturalversary. For the last two weeks my hair has been straight...and it was VERY cute to start with, but after about a week (and after my boyfriend saw it), I was ready to call the straight hair thing quits!!

This past weekend I wanted to wash my hair sooo bad but I convinced myself not to because there was no point. I knew I'd be getting my hair done Tuesday, so I felt it would a waste of my good products!!

Pinterest Pic
of Comb Coils
I'm going to start calling my salon day Dilemma Tuesday. I never know what I want to get done to my's become quite ridiculous! This time I had it narrowed down to two styles. I knew I either wanted comb coils or a flexi rod set. I was originally going to get the comb coils. I hadn't seen a finished product of the coils in person, but I saw one picture on Pinterest that convinced me that it would be a good look for me.

One: this picture is a deceptive because this lady has WAY more hair than I do! Two: this picture is a deceptive because her hair is a reddish color. For those that know me or may have been following my hair journey, you know I had red hair for about 7 years.

I LOVED MY RED HAIR. When I decided to get red hair, I was trying to be like my Mom. She started rinsing her hair with a deep purple color when I was in high school. A few years later, I was in college and craving a different look. I decided to try this hair rinse. Since I didn't want to be exactly like her, with the purple, I chose Ruby Red. If you read this, you know red is my favorite color! I rinsed my hair the whole time I was in college and it was extremely gorgeous. I didn't realize how much I loved it until I got used to it. There were two occasions when I stopped rinsing my hair. One was my senior year in college and the other time was during grad school.

Jazzing Ruby Red Hair RinseEach time, I went right back to the red. I felt it gave me flair!! People always commented on my red hair. I like to stand out and having red hair was different. Since my natural hair color is so light, when the rinse was applied it stood out more than it would on someone with darker hair. Rinses are a lighter form of hair dying. Because it's not permanent, the down side is all the run off. If I were to sweat or get my hair wet...or even for the first few days after getting the color dye would be all over the neck of my shirts, coats, blazers, etc. When I washed my hair at home it was like a bloody scene because the dye would run like crazy!! Anyhow, I digress.

My whole point is I changed my mind about the coils because I didn't think my coils would look as nice as they do in that picture. I went a step further and googled other pictures of comb coils because I know some of those pictures on Pinterest can be very deceiving. I was not pleased with the additional pictures I found. They were not as gorgeous.

SO, because I have an important appointment on Thursday, I didn't want to chance it with a so-so hairdo. I went with the flexi rods. 

Sitting under the dryer with flexi rods Every time I try a new style I get so nervous. I like to know how things are going to turn out because I don't like being disappointed, no one does! But I think this turned out pretty well. I went in; got my hair shampooed and conditioned; got my hair set in about 20 minutes; sat under the dryer for what seemed like forever; got the rods taken out and voila! My stylist always compliments my hair and how easy it is to work with. She said that my hair rolled with the rods so well that it was making her job that much easier. She also told me that hair normally grows a half an inch a month, but mine is definitely growing at a much quicker rate...maybe an inch per month! I see my hair every day so I don't feel like it's doing that much growing, but the ladies at the salon say differently than what I think. I guess I'm just craving "hang time" (hair that hangs down from the head).

Flexi Rod CurlsThe curls are extremely cute, but since the style is so new, the curls are still extremely tight. 

I know as time goes on the curls will loosen and I will probably like it more then. I guess I just got used to the straight hair hanging around my face and now that it's not it's kinda like...ehh. So, I guess we'll see with time how much truth there is to this fast growing hair statement and to see if my hair will hang a little more.  But for now, I still love, Love, LOVE my hair!!

And Visit Kerry at Oh So Amelia:
Life in a Break Down
There are many things I love, so it was hard to pick one thing to discuss today. I picked this post about my hair because I've missed blogging about it!! This journey (going and becoming natural) is still so exciting for me. I love sharing my experiences with it and, in turn, I hope to inspire others to do it, educate others about this process, and entertain you all with my stories!!
Join my blog and the Blog Hop, visit Rekita, Kerry...and other bloggers! Share what your favorite posts from the week and what you love!!
Also, welcome the "Almost Friday Thursday Blog Hop"!! You never know who you might find!
Have a LOVEly day everyone!!

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