Monday, May 6, 2013

May Natural Hair Challenge

I follow teamnatural_ (and a few other natural hair profiles) on Instagram. I like looking at other naturalistas for inspiration of all kinds, but mostly for hairstyle ideas. I've even used a few hairstyles from these profiles. This month ohcurl (a profile I found through teamnatural_) is doing a May Natural Hair Challenge:

Now, I've tried photo-a-day challenges before and I've never made it through a whole month. I think these things can be pretty difficult and I'm someone who loves to take pictures! However, I'm super excited about this one!! I love things that help me reflect or chronicle my Natural Hair Journey. Looking at this challenge, I can tell it may be a little tough, but it's my goal to make it all the way through. So far so good! 

When you do this challenge, you're supposed to "#ohcurl" so they can share your picture with their followers...but in order to do that you have to have a public profile. I'm not comfortable with public profiles. Those of you that follow me on Instagram can attest to that!! I'm not sure if I'll ever get to the point where I'm comfortable with being more public than I already am, but I figured I could at least share a few of my favorites with you all, especially on days I don't have posts. The days may not correspond to what the actual date is, as I will randomly post these throughout the month, but if there's a certain day you're interested in seeing, let me know (or just follow me on Instagram @ curlymilah)!

Here goes...I hope you enjoy!

May 6. Blue

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