Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I'm in the process of trying to update my wardrobe. I've been pulling ideas from different avenues as to what's in and what's not. Style has definitely taken a different turn than what I'm used to, so for some advice I asked my sister to help me out. I figured, she's in the college world and sees fashion more than I do by sitting in an office 40 hours a week. This was a style inspired by some tips she gave me.

Earrings: Beauty World (local beauty supply store)
Necklace: Beauty World
Shirt: Charlotte Russe
Cami: Old Navy
Bracelet: Tiffany
Watch: Michael Kors
Jeans: I can't remember!! (but if I had to say, I'd guess
Shoes: Payless Shoes

I really liked this shirt but what I've found is that the clothes that I buy from the more youthful stores (such as Charlotte Russe, Forever 21, etc.) don't have as much longevity. So, the goal is to update my wardrobe, but to search for more quality pieces. I feel like I need to get rid of at least 85% of my wardrobe, so I will have to tackle this task one piece at a time!!

This one gets a thumbs up, don't ya think?

 photo Signature_zps851b8398.jpg
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  1. You were just saying you wished you could be a style blogger, now you're doing outfit post!? On your way...

    cute top :)

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly
    $750 Giveaway

    1. Oh, girl bye! These two outfits have been just a peek into my wardrobe. It's not all like this...LOL. Thanks for stopping by Tiffany!

  2. Agreed! Thumbs up! -- Dorothy G.


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