Wash and Go

Because of my busyness, I had to find something to do with my hair. I'd gotten a protective hair style for the holiday. After a trip to King's Dominion (the water park especially...a trip which I'll post about later in the week) my hair was threw! Since I wasn't home that weekend, I decided to do a wash and go.

The picture at the top left shows the style wet. I think my hair is gorgeous when it looks like this! Here are the products I used to get me through the process:
All the products used were from the Design Essentials Natural Hair Care Line except the oil and gel. I washed with the Curl Cleanser Sulfate Free Shampoo & detangled with the Moisturizing Conditioner (with Rose Hip Oil & Coconut Milk). After detangling, I rinsed.
I moisturized with the Daily Moisturizing Lotion and sealed it with Influance's Natural Oil.
I parted my hair into small sections. As I parted each section I coated it with Curl Stretching Cream then Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel (max hold).

Here's a closer look at my "natural curls"!
I know it's not good to wash your hair every day, so I was unsure of what I'd do with my hair throughout the week. Due to my busy schedule, I YouTubed ways to care for wash and go's overnight. The method I found to be referenced the most was the pineapple method. Although my hair isn't long enough for this...I decided to give it a try anyway and it worked! I was able to keep the style all week, thankfully!

Although, my hair was starting to look a little rough towards the end, I made it through! The picture on the right was me on Thursday.
I don't know if I'll use this style often, but I'm sure it'll come in handy in the future.
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