This week's social is about my blog and why I do it. Let's dive on in!!
1. What is the name of your blog?
When I was trying to come up with a name for my blog, I wanted to come up with something that was cute and catchy. I wanted to find a title that spoke perfectly to who I am. I wanted something that for just right for "Just Mi!" (me)....get it?! It's a double entendre. Mi is short for my title is definitely a reflection of me and the way I approach life. That's all I can be...just Mi/me! I recently added the subtitle "From NC to DC" after I moved because I'm hoping to see the blog include more things about the life I will be creating here as time goes on.
Blogging allows me to have an account of things going on in my life as they happen. I get to talk about whatever I want...or whatever I feel comfortable sharing with you all...and this blog will be here forever giving me the chance to always be able to come back to this page to see these moments in my life. I must admit, it was a little scary at first (sharing my life in a blog) and I was super cautious about the information I put out there. Fast forward 9 months, I'm still cautious (as I am with all my other social media sites) but I'm more comfortable with the thought that people I don't really know are actually reading my page! I also enjoy blog hops (like this one). Each good hop has awesome things to share and it gives you a centralized place to find other bloggers. The blog world is so big!!
3. Why did you start blogging?
I initially started blogging to chronicle my journey back to natural hair. I went natural on January 30, 2012.
That year, my best friend started blogging and would tell me all about it. I would read her blog and I must admit that it seemed like fun. When my other best friend started blogging on Tumblr that seemed more like my speed. I didn't want to have all my business out there, so I started posting just pictures at first, which Tumblr is great for. Then when my friend told me more about Blogger, I opened it up one day and completely fell in love. Once I began seriously blogging I expanded my content to other areas like couponing, recipes, outfits, etc. It's so much fun, like an online diary of sorts!!
I initially started blogging to chronicle my journey back to natural hair. I went natural on January 30, 2012.
Left: The day of my last relaxer Right: the last time my natural hair was straightened |
That year, my best friend started blogging and would tell me all about it. I would read her blog and I must admit that it seemed like fun. When my other best friend started blogging on Tumblr that seemed more like my speed. I didn't want to have all my business out there, so I started posting just pictures at first, which Tumblr is great for. Then when my friend told me more about Blogger, I opened it up one day and completely fell in love. Once I began seriously blogging I expanded my content to other areas like couponing, recipes, outfits, etc. It's so much fun, like an online diary of sorts!!
4. What is something you'd want to tell someone just starting out in the blog world?
You don't have to blog everyday!! I thought I had to at first but blogging can be a lot of work and I'm not even as in to it as others are. I post every other day and I usually take the weekends off. In order to get the most out of blogging you want to connect with other bloggers. In order to do that you need time!! You also want your posts to be read (and not just seen) so you want to put out meaningful content...not put for the sake of saying you post every day. You'll definitely get the flow of things after a while and will find what works best for you.
You don't have to blog everyday!! I thought I had to at first but blogging can be a lot of work and I'm not even as in to it as others are. I post every other day and I usually take the weekends off. In order to get the most out of blogging you want to connect with other bloggers. In order to do that you need time!! You also want your posts to be read (and not just seen) so you want to put out meaningful content...not put for the sake of saying you post every day. You'll definitely get the flow of things after a while and will find what works best for you.
5. Biggest blogging learning experience you've had?
Even though I've read blog posts about this since I first got on Blogger, I just recently realized what it really means! Reply to comments by email when possible. I always thought that replies to comments come directly to your email anyway (since replies would come to my email address). But, I realize now that commenters won't get your responses unless they come back to the post to check and see if you've responded. They don't get an email sent to them when you respond, unless you respond by email. I find this to be a more personal approach and I tend to share more when responding by email anyway. I like it better.
Even though I've read blog posts about this since I first got on Blogger, I just recently realized what it really means! Reply to comments by email when possible. I always thought that replies to comments come directly to your email anyway (since replies would come to my email address). But, I realize now that commenters won't get your responses unless they come back to the post to check and see if you've responded. They don't get an email sent to them when you respond, unless you respond by email. I find this to be a more personal approach and I tend to share more when responding by email anyway. I like it better.
6. What are three blogs you love?
Nicole @ Pharr Away: Now that we're 4.5 hours away from each other, I still get to keep up with my best friend (IRL) through her wonderful blog!
Rekita @ Her & Nicole: She's so much like me (even though I'm not married with three children!) I just know we would have been real life friends! She and her family make an awesome team!!
Serena @ The Serena Saga: Simply put, I love her fashion...and hair!!
So, there you have it! This weeks Sunday Social. Go to the site and check out what others have to say about blogging!!
Have a Happy and Joyous Sunday!!
Follow Mi!