Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December '13 Length Check

23 Months Natural

I need to divulge a lot of information about what my hair has gone through over the past month, but I won't bog this post down with it. I'll discuss my latest salon visit in another post, so stay tuned. Here's the check for December (pre salon visit):

 December 6 = 96 weeks natural (~1 year, 11 months)
55 weeks since the BC (~1 year)

December 25 = 99 weeks natural (~1 year, 11.75
58 weeks since the BC (~1 year, 1.5 months)

My hair hasn't grown, but the pictures are only about 3 weeks apart, so that's to be expected! LOL!! Next year, I'll do length checks every two months, as well as on my naturalversary and on my big-chopiversary.
I call being natural my journey, because it's just that...a journey! I am continuously learning things along the way. Now that I'm away from my cosmetologist and her healthy hands and I have to do this thing on my own, I'm making mistakes...and that's okay. I would much rather be the one making mistakes on my own hair than have someone else making the mistakes. My hair is ever changing and regardless of the mistakes I make, it's ever growing!!
At the end of this year, with this last length check, I'll say that I love being natural and I hope to continue to learn the skills I need to take care of my hair so it can continue to be as healthy as it can be!!

P.S. - It's New Year's Eve and this day is the last 24 hours of the year. I'm sure most of you will be out celebrating tonight so please be safe and have fun! Let the countdown to 2014 begin!

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