Thursday, January 2, 2014

My 1st Blogiversary!

Alright you guys!! January 1, 2014 was my blogiversary. I'm writing this post before Christmas, so I'm hoping by the actual date it posts that these things will have come to fruition!!

I hope to be making a computer purchase soon so I want to step up my blog game this year. Although I ran into many computer issues last year, I still learned quite a bit about blogging. I want to establish "my brand" more so I'm hoping to expand this year by trying new and more exciting things, at more than I did last year. I've gotten over some of the heebie-jeebies of putting myself out there for the world to see, now it's time to start making this thing work for me!

This will always by my personal space and I can always pick and choose what I share with whom but my main goal for the year is to work towards expansion. I want to reach more people, gain more readers, and have more fun! The main reason I started this blog was to document my hair journey and that will always be the main topic of my blog. I will also continue to discuss other topics as I see fit. If I find another niche, that'll be great too!

I have other goals for the new year that I hope to work towards and hopefully 2014 will be even better than 2013 was. I'm in a good space and I'd like to stay that way this year. I pray that God grants me at least one of my heart's desires and I promise to focus on being a better me.

We'll see how it all turns out. Be blessed everyone.

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