About Mi!

Who am I? 
Hello all and welcome to Just Mi! I'm Mionna (pronounced Mee-yah-nuh)! I'm originally from North Carolina but I now live in DC. I have a BA in Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (GO HEELS!!) I have two MS degrees; one in Substance Abuse and Clinical Counseling and the other in Rehabilitation Counseling; both from East Carolina University. I have a professional career in DC that I enjoy AND, last but not least, I'm a newlywed as of March 2017! I started my natural hair journey on January 30, 2012. (What does this mean?? Read here.) My natural hair journey is the number 1 reason I'm here today!

Why do I blog?
I've been blogging for five years. I realize people are looking at this page to get a sense of who I am, so let's talk! The original intent of my blog was to chronicle my hair journey. I post mostly about my natural hair and exercise updates. My blog is a diary of sorts. I like to explore myself here and share that with you. My life is changing daily and I'll use my blog to talk about it! So stay tuned!!

What are some of my favorite posts?
Crochet Braid Senegalese Twists   |   Taking Out A Sew-In
The Finished Product   |   Workout Update
A Few Quick Tips For Crochet Braid Maintenance
I'm An Introvert - 2   |   Heatless Curls
Wash and Go Success   |   My New 'Do
How To Find The Right Hair Salon
Stretched Twists   |   A Protective Style
I've always guest written for other sites:
Huffington Post: I Never Wanted to Go Natural... So Why Did I?

What are my goals?
To have documentation of my life through these critical years. I'm going through so many changes. I don't want to look back down the road and say "What WAS I doing 25 years ago?!" I want to know!! As my life changes, I want these days to be etched in stone. I want to have something for my future children and future me to see.

Want to follow Mi?
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I wear a lot of hats, but I most enjoy being Mi!

Updated January 2018


  1. Nice to meet you, hun! And welcome to the blogging world. :-)


  2. Love your blog and new follower from Lovely Blog Hop! Please check out my blog

    1. Thanks so much for reading and following! I will certainly stop by and check you out!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by. I'll be sure to visit!!!

  4. Nice to meet you! I'm a newbie too. Love your blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping by April! I'm glad you enjoy the blog. I've been busy lately, so I can't devote as much time to it as I want...but I do put my heart in my posts!! LOL. Stick around. I hope you continue to enjoy. I will make sure to check you out too!

    2. Thanks a bunch I look forward to more posts. I am busy too so I completely understand.

  5. I like you already - especially that part about why you blog and what are your goals. I can absolutely relate. Do you ever go through your journal and gasp at how much your life has changed? I do:-) Keep blogging. It's inspiring.

    1. Thank you so much Nicole!! That means a lot to me. I'm actually glad you and April have commented on this page. I don't spend much time here, but I realize that this is where people come to get a quick snapshot of you and I hadn't updated this things for a while!! So I've had to do so, thanks to you ladies!!

      I do go through my old journals (when I used to write) and just reflect on how much I've grown. I definitely enjoy blogging and I see myself doing it for a while!

  6. I've come across your blog several times, and I keep wondering if your name rhymes with my name. LOL My name is T'onna (pronounced like Tiana). :-) Oh, I am also from North Carolina... Well, I was born there... Left when I was 2. And I like your natural hair posts. I'm going to so ahead and follow you because I keep finding my way here anyway. :-)

    1. Yes it is! Whenever we would have substitute teachers, I would spell my name Meyonna (I figured they wouldn't be here but for one day, so it's okay if they don't spell it right...but they will pronounce it right! LOL). It's always great to find someone that you can relate to in the blogging world. That' so hard to do when you're trying to look past all the giveaways and hops...but it's so great when you do. I'm in the middle of a transition, but I"m trying to make sure I stay on top of my blogging as best as I can...just stay tuned!!

    2. I learned to just answer to whatever... I get called Tonya and Tonna a lot. I feel like the people in my life everyday know how to say my name, and that's all that matters. When I was subbing, I had a student named Shemariah... I kept stumbling over her name. I felt so bad. lol

    3. Well, now I've gotten to the point where I automatically correct people when they mispronounce my's like a reflex.

  7. Found you clicking about a blog hop. Can't wait to read about your adventures!!

  8. Hi this is my first time on your BLOG. I must say its very informative!!!!
    Thank You Just MIMi

    1. Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoy it!

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