Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February '13 Length Check

13 Months Natural

It’s been another month...time for a length check!!

January 30, 2013 = 1 year natural, 11 weeks since the BC
What's the BC? See here

February 25, 2013 = 54 weeks natural, 15 weeks since the BC

This month has been a pretty good month. Yesterday was Dilemma Tuesday. (What’s Dilemma Tuesday? See here :-). I noticed a lot of shedding during the past two weeks. I also noticed an increase in itching too. I doused my head with enough coconut oil and moisturizer for 2 or 3 heads! I didn't know what to do! I told my cosmetologist about these issues and she told me it was probably my nerves. She says my scalp always looks superb when I come in and that I'm taking good care of it...but I am indeed using too much coconut oil! 

I wanted a different style and a different style I got! Dilemma Tuesday averted! I knew I didn't want a "tight" hairstyle, like the flexi-rod set I got the last time. Although the hairstyle got fuzzy, it didn't fuzz out enough for me. My goal yesterday was to look as nice as possible for this's a special weekend. 

We’ll see if my goal was accomplished in a later post.

Here are my length checks to date!

What do you think?!

 photo Signature_zps851b8398.jpg

This post has won for this weeks "I Love My Post"!! You guys make this possible!

Life in a Break Down

P.S. - Check out The Lovely Blog Hop! It is just that...LOVELY!!


  1. I swear by coconut oil on my hair! I love that your documenting your growth, looks great :)

    1. I didn't like it at first because I don't like coconut...and it stinks!! LOL...but so far it seems to be doing the trick.

  2. You can see so much growth from your pictures! Keep on keepin on!

    1. You can definitely tell the difference between pictures 1 and 4. When I'm looking at it daily, it doesn't seem to be doing too much growing. I mean, I can tell a difference because my fro is getting bigger...but I'm ready for it to get to a point where it lays down. Right now it's in the in-between stage, so it's kinda hard to figure out ways to lay it..but I manage! Thanks for the encouragement!!

  3. I didn't know that you could use too much coconut oil! Your hair is def. showing the growth. It looks nice!

    I'm visiting today from Linkin with my Ladies. :)

    1. LOL...well, I say too much because it's to the point where I can touch my hair at any time of the day...and pull back an oily hand!! I don't think it's bad for my hair because it never stays that oily for long...but I touch my hair/face a lot so I'm passing that oil from one to the other. I hope my hair continues to bear with me because I'm still learning and thanks for the compliments!

      Thanks for visiting!!

  4. Hi Lovely, I'm your newest follower from A Lovely Blog Hop! Love your Awesome blog!

    Feel free to visit & follow my blog @


    1. Thanks for visiting and following!! I will definitely return the favor!

  5. It is great that you're documenting the growth and you can see the difference from pics 1 and 4! You can't really capture or see it on the day to day. I haven't tried coconut oil. What do the say are the benefits? Are you using it as a conditioner or just a hair dressing? Thanks for posting!
    -Natasha @ Lovely You

    1. I hope it will be. Now that I'm thinking back through the progress I've made, I wish I would have done a better job of documenting that too. The main benefit of coconut oil is being able to use it as a sealant. There are so many good qualities it has, not only for hair, but for a lot of things!! I couldn't even begin to tell you all of the benefits. I use it like you would any other oil. After I moisturize, I follow up with it. I also put it on my hands when I'm preparing my hair for the day. I use it for both my scalp and my hair. I think you should try it!

  6. its amazing how much hair grows after going natural, i cut my hair to my neck about 3 years ago, for the big chop, now my hair is way past my bra line. i love it! if have a daughter, i will never perm her hair....EVER!

    Oh and in response to your comment: Thanks and I just want my own keychain one day, darnit!!!


    1. I'm definitely hoping to get my hair back to the length it was relaxed. I just want it to be stronger and healthier. The way it's looking, I'll get there eventually!

  7. I love all things about natural hair! Your hair is so full and healthy! I wish I would've done length checks throughout my natural hair journey. It's never too late to start right?

    1. Thanks and you're right, it's never too late too start!!

  8. Beautiful hair! visiting from Her and Nicole Blog Hop.


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