Friday, January 10, 2014

Flashback Friday

It's the beginning of a new year and thoughts of what this year has to bring my blog are exciting. I wanted to do a recap of my most popular posts of 2013, as a review for myself as well as to showcase some of my earlier work to my newest followers. I'm creating a short "Flashback" series to roll out some of my favorite posts from my first year because after going through my posts I realized that I talked about some great things! I didn't want to take away from any one area, so I'll break my posts up into different areas over time.

In the left hand sidebar under "Popular Posts" you can find my top 5 posts of all time. So, even though a few of these posts are my favorites too, I won't highlight them since you can go over and click on the any one of them at any time!

The posts people find most interesting are my hair posts. That makes my heart smile because hair is the main reason I blog!! I'll highlight these posts first!

A few of my favorite hair posts are:

I wanted to also take a few seconds to point out this March 18th post (This Computer Of Mine) because I thought it was awesome! I talked about my computer, how it was on my Christmas list (it really was on my list), how my issues with it hindered me from blogging like I wanted to, etc. This is an example of why I love blogging! I was able to look back at the post from 10 months ago and see that I'd been dealing with my sorry computer for a long time!! I also got to see that those issues continued throughout the year.

If you can't tell by now, I have a new computer!! FINALLY!! I gave the blog a slight facelift for the new year and for my new start!! I also created a Signature (which I started using Wednesday) and a new Afro Button:

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2014 is my year for blog expansion and I'm serious about it!

Come back each week to check out some of my 2013 posts. Subscribe to my blog by any of the ways listed at the bottom of this post and keep up with my new posts. I promise you'll enjoy yourself here!!

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